About Design & Construction Services
Explore who we are and what we do.
About Us
Design & Construction Services (DCS) is a group of dedicated architects, engineers, project managers, inspectors, contract administrators, and support staff responsible for the implementation and management of the campus capital program. The department is comprised of five units:
- Budget & Finance Administration
- Contract Administration
- Construction & Inspection
- Project Management
- Quality Assurance
The department is led by Brian Pratt, Associate Vice Chancellor & campus architect, who is the designated building official for the campus.
With a capital program with projects budgeted in excess of $2b over the next 5 years, the Design & Construction Services department supports the university’s dynamic growth and shares its ambitious strategic vision to strengthen contributions in research, education, and service; accelerate ascendency among globally preeminent research universities; and marshal passions, skills, and ingenuity to further improve people’s lives.
Design & Construction Services
101 Academy, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92697-1025

Our Role
Design & Construction Services plays a vital role in implementing the university’s goal to expand, build, and maintain an excellent physical infrastructure with a commitment to innovation and impact through expansion. To meet the requirements of these developments, including targets identified in the campus’s Long-Range Development Plan, the university endeavors to maximize the efficient use of existing space and build new facilities to support new and growing areas of the campus. UCI’s infrastructure will support growing programs, populations, learning and research environments, and multiple levels of engagement.
Specific strategies include:
- Add space capacity and facilities to meet unmet and future demand
- Build new research facilities that will support faculty in the relevant schools and disciplines
- Allot a sustainable percentage of capital investments to facilities renewal
- Provide safe inviting housing and dining facilities to serve the growing student population
- Address accessibility challenges in facilities to better serve students, employees, and visitors with special needs
- Strengthen UCI’s campus infrastructure and utility needs to accommodate growth and technological needs

Our Mission
Design & Construction Services is responsible for implementing campus planning parameters for the UCI campus encompassing all aspects of project delivery from program planning to final completion. As part of our role in managing construction projects, the DCS staff develop financial strategies, oversee architectural design, review plans, specifications, manage environmental reviews, prepare and negotiate construction contracts, coordinate staging plans, and manage construction. DCS manages these responsibilities for a university building program that is among the largest in the nation.

Capital Program Priorities
Capital program priorities support the campus’s strategic goals as articulated in the Strategic Academic Plan, the development objectives outlined in the 2007 Long Range Development Plan, and the context of the Physical Design Framework.
The program outlines new facilities required to accommodate the academic mission and other campus needs, with projects such as the Health Sciences Instruction and Research Building; Law Building; Sciences Instruction & Research Building 2; and a new Academic Building.