Falling Leaves Foundation​ Medical Innovation Building​

Falling Leaves Foundation Medical Innovation Building rendering
Falling Leaves Foundation Medical Innovation Building rendering.

About this Project

This project will provide state-of-the-art research space to advance UCI’s preeminence in conducting basic, translational and clinical research. The facility will include laboratories and related laboratory support spaces, along with research cores that include a vivarium, office space, scholarly activity, and interactive space. All programmatic spaces will be arranged and designed in order to support cross-disciplinary collaboration while enhancing research synergies.

Construction Update as of 10/03/2023:

  • Vivarium (First Floor) slab is complete.
  • Second Floor deck completed 09/22/2023 - Vertical to Third Floor is underway.
  • Tunnel connection to Gross Hall Vivarium is complete.

Falling Leaves Foundation $30 million lead gift to fund innovative UCI medical research building

September 20, 2021

The Falling Leaves Foundation Medical Innovation Building is supported by a $30 million lead gift from the Falling Leaves Foundation, a planned state-of-the-art medical research facility at UCI will expand the global reach and impact of the campus’ advanced cross-disciplinary teaching and translational research achievements.

"This exceptional gift recognizes UCI’s preeminence in conducting basic, translational and clinical research dedicated to the discovery of new medical and scientific knowledge. The Falling Leaves Foundation Medical Innovation Building will be a vital resource for exploring new frontiers and improving the lives of people in our community and beyond."
– UCI Chancellor, Howard Gillman, Ph.D.

The project consists of approximately 200,000 square-foot building will be one of the largest in the west and will provide optimal space for core instruction and laboratories to extend advances in medicine and the health sciences. The Falling Leaves Foundation was established by Prof. Robert A. Mah and Dr. Adeline Yen Mah in 2007.

Project Details

Project Manager: Chris Schneider
Design & Construction Team
Design Builder: Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co
Architect: LMN
Struct. Eng.: Saiful Bouquet
Lab Planner: Research Facilities Design
Mech./Plumbing Eng.: Alvine Engineering
Electrical Eng.: Alvine Engineering
Fire & Safety: COSCO
Parking Structure Architect: n/a
Parking Structure Struct.: n/a
Electrical: AJ Kirkwood
Plumbing: Pan Pacific
Elevators: Kone
Drywall/Metal Studs/Plaster: TBD
Fire Protection: Cosco
Mechanical: CMI
Geotech: Geotechnologies
Structural Steel: n/a
Asphalt Paving & Striping: TBD
Masonry: TBD